Deals Ice DMG equal to 100%50%60%70%80%90%100%110%120%130% of March 7th's ATK to a single enemy.
Provides a single ally with a Shield that can absorb DMG equal to 55%38%40%43%45%48%49%51%53%55%57%59%61%63%65%67% of March 7th's DEF plus 717190304390475532589632675717760803846888931974 for 3 turn(s).
If the ally's current HP percentage is 30% or higher, greatly increases the chance of enemies attacking that ally.
Deals Ice DMG equal to 143%90%96%102%108%114%120%127%135%143%150%156%162%168%174%180% of March 7th's ATK to all enemies. Hit enemies have a 50% base chance to be Frozen for 1 turn(s).
While Frozen, enemies cannot take action and will receive Additional Ice DMG equal to 56%30%33%36%39%42%45%49%53%56%60%63%66%69%72%75% of March 7th's ATK at the beginning of each turn.
After a Shielded ally is attacked by an enemy, March 7th immediately Counters, dealing Ice DMG equal to 94%50%55%60%65%70%75%81%88%94%100%105%110%115%120%125% of her ATK. This effect can be triggered 2 time(s) each turn.
Immediately attacks the enemy. After entering battle, there is a 100% base chance to Freeze a random enemy for 1 turn(s).
While Frozen, the enemy cannot take action and will take Additional Ice DMG equal to 50% of March 7th's ATK at the beginning of each turn.